Read Africa 2025

Africa Access and the Outreach Center for African Studies at Howard University invite educators and librarians in Washington, DC and the Maryland and Virginia suburbs to share a Read Africa book in February 2025. 

  1. Sign up to receive a free book on the Howard website.
  2. Share the book in your classroom or library.
  3. Share your teaching stories and students ’responses with us.
  4. Teachers and librarians who complete their Readers Response forms will be eligible for additional books while supplies last. 

Suggested Discussion Questions

  1. In which African country does the story take place? 
  2. What did you learn about the country that you did not already know? 
  3. What is the most important thing you learned from the book? 
  4. What did you enjoy most?
  5. How many stars do you give the book? ( 5 is the highest rating)? ________

Choose 1 book from the titles below. Click on the cover for a book review.

Picture Books

Chapter Books

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