The Lion Who Stole My Arm
Fiction, Elementary
Candlewick Press
89 pp.
ISBN 978-0-7636-6620-0
"Pedru has always wanted to be a great hunter like his father, but after a lion takes his arm, he worries that he'll always be the crippled boy instead. Pedru longs to kill the lion that mauled him and strengthens himself to be ready for the hunt. But when the opportunity arises, will Pedru have the strength to turn his back on revenge?" Publisher
Nice attempt to contextualize the conservation project in Africa around a young boy’s experience. I particularly like how the author gives Pedru agency — instead of feeling dejected [as he is initially] after losing an arm to a lion, he is inspired to join the team of researchers working to contain the lions to reduce future attacks. Wildlife preservation and coping with disability themes are explored. The chapters are short and read fast. There is an epilogue
and a section that explains wildlife preservation projects in Africa. Nice black/white illustrations.
Reviewed by Vivian Yenika Agbaw (Pennsylvania State University)
Published in Africa Access Review (January 20, 2015)
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