Double Trouble for Anna Hibiscus

Picture book / Primary
Walker Books / Kane Miller

"Everything is changing for Anna Hibiscus, she's a sister! But - oh dear - everyone is now so busy! Uncle Bizi-Sunday is shopping for the babies, Aunty Joli and Aunty Grace are rocking the babies and Mama and Grandma are fast asleep ...but just who has time for Anna Hibiscus? I hate Double Trouble! shouts Anna. But Anna Hibiscus is amazing so it won't be long before everyone finds time for her again!" Publisher
Atinuke; Double Trouble for Anna Hibiscus. London / : Walker Books / Kane Miller, 2015. , .
Note: “Everything is changing for Anna Hibiscus, she’s a sister! But – oh dear – everyone is now so busy! Uncle Bizi-Sunday is shopping for the babies, Aunty Joli and Aunty Grace are rocking the babies and Mama and Grandma are fast asleep …but just who has time for Anna Hibiscus? I hate Double Trouble! shouts Anna. But Anna Hibiscus is amazing so it won’t be long before everyone finds time for her again!” Publisher