Donations at Work


Africa Access Review Database
A comprehensive database of annotations and reviews of books about Africa for children and teens.

Recent Reviews
Easy access to Recent Reviews by African Studies scholars.

Children’s Africana Book Awards
Presented annually to the authors and illustrators of the best children’s and young adult books on Africa published or republished in the U.S. Partners include the Outreach Council of the African Studies Association and the Center for African Studies at Howard University. Visit to see CABA Virtual Award Ceremonies.

Gift Book Sponsors
During the month of February, sponsors give Read Africa books to children and families.

The Gold Road
Highlights the people, places, and items related to the medieval Sudanic empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai. Our partners include the Center for African Studies at Howard University, the African Studies Center, Boston University and Balance Studio.

Discover Africa in the World
Reveals Africa-related sites in regions beyond the continent of Africa. Partners include the Center for African Studies at Howard University and Balance Studio. Sample the site by viewing the North Carolina link to page on Omar ibn Said.